Book Takeaways: Reality Transurfing
February 20, 2024
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This marks book 3/24 this year. I was honestly quite sceptical before starting this book since the cover alone made it seem esoteric to say the least. Ontop of that, the page count comes in at almost 800, so it’s a hefty read let me tell you. I’d say it’s warranted. The insights you will uncover in this book will change your life. And to say that is an understatement. Vadim Zeland does an excellent job at outlining the forces that govern our reality, despite remaining hidden to most. It is a worldview I have never before hear of, but it makes so much sense I can’t, but apply its methods. Especially in regards to doubts that have plagued my entire existence up until today. I finally feel like I have the tools and even more importantly perspective I’ve alway been searching for to eradicate the negativity that has been ever so present in my consciousness since childhood. So because this book opened my eyes, I took the time to go through the 800 pages many times over and deducted the
following takeaways that hit home in a special way for me. They are by no means complete, but they answer questions you, I or anyone else might have about Transurfing at large. And if you want to dive into the chapters one by one, I suggest you head to the Chapter Summaries: Reality Transurfing , where each of the chapter summaries lives in the exact words of the author. Oh and I will leave you with one more aid: there is a free audio book summary on YouTube I used to speed up my read-time. It was invaluable to keep a healthy pace and not get lost in contemplation.
Many thanks for writing this Vadim Zeland — the book is a true work of art in its own right.
So without further ado, let’s dive into my top ideas from Reality Transurfing.
What Transurfing is(n’t)
Transurfing is…
- A worldview that aims to eliminate negative thinking and replace it with positivity: a better way to live.
- Manages your thought process to manage your reality. On the flipside, reality controls you.
- About your relationship to self & others: “be yourself and allow others to be themselves.”
- Teaches us how to choose our reality because you never learned how to.
- Becoming a person who views the world as “the glass is half full”.
- A method that frees you to choose your own destiny.
- Capable of transforming dreams into reality.
- Show you how reality can be controlled.
- Finding joy in all parts of your world.
- Not needing to fight for happiness.
- Not hoping, but intending.
Transurfing is not…
- Manifestation, visualisation, astrology, hierophants, prophesiers, or anything esoteric.
- Dreaming or wishing for something to become true because they are not choices.
- A silver bullet worldview that promises you to be immune from misfortune.
- A think and you will be given all that you desire framework.
- A “this is the truth”, everything else is wrong worldview.
- A religion or cult with practicing followers/fanatics.
- Denying the existence of God. It embraces it.
- Floating in the clouds. It is taking action.
- A (lucid) cloudy dream state.
Key ideas & takeaways
[01] What does Transurfing mean?
Transurfing is all about realising: “I have the right to choose”. It is the belief what we must only need to make an order and trust that it WILL come. Not that it CAN come. But that it WILL come. This however does not mean you have the right to change things. It simply mens: “allowing yourself the luxury of deserving the best.” Roughly, there are two steps required to begin Transurfing:
- “Let go of the intention to receive and replace it with the intention to give and you will receive the very thing you let go of”.
- “Replace the pendulum rule with the Transurfing rule: be yourself and allow others to be themselves”.
The mindset underpinning achieving a Transurfing state is this: “everything is going extremely well and today I am doing everything better than yesterday and tomorrow will be better than today”. Because it is all about becoming aware of your inner freedom and attaining the feeling that you are the master of the layers of your reality.
[02] What is reality?
- “Individual reality is created in two ways: physical and metaphysical. In other words, the individual creates the layer of his world by thought and action. You control reality, by controlling your relationship and attitude to the world. So two factors take part in the creation of a individual layer of reality: inner intention on one side of the mirror and outer intention on the other. A person affects objects within the material world via direct action whereas with their thoughts they embody in physical reality things that are not yet present.”
- “The goal and purpose of all living beings is to control their reality.” This is in essence activity, the underlying origin of intention. Inactivity is the absence of control.
- To move through reality, a lifeline forms as a “a chain of sectors that are relatively uniform in quality. The sceneries of a single life line are also relatively uniform. When the layer of your world shifts to another life line, there is a change in scenery.”
[03] How can you control reality?
Because god places a piece of himself into the soul of every living being, which not only gives us free will, but also the ability to control reality according to consciousness. Vadim Zeland makes sense of this at a deeper level: “You communicate with God by shaping the layer of your world, your reality. When you take joy in your creation God takes joy with you. This is what true service to God means. Belief in God is above all belief in yourself and in your own strength as a creator. There is part of the Creator in each and every one of us. Make the Father happy. As far as you believe in your own potential you will believe in God and carry out the words he spoke: “According to you faith be it unto you”.” Reality and the alternative space is therefore every possible future in Gods making, therefore confirming the fact that you indeed have freedom of choice, which is the ability to choose the lifeline of your dreams. Whatever that is — God approves and it will happen along the path
of least resistance.
[04] What is the alternatives space?
“The alternatives space is an information field or energy matrix, a template for what things could be like. When a sector of the matrix is lit up by an energy that has the same resonance, that part of the template is transformed into physical reality. It is an infinite field containing information on all possible scenarios of any event that could ever possibly take place. The question is whether the information held in the matrix can be used whilst it exists in its intangible form. Put bluntly, the data recorded in the information field represents truth in its purest form. It represents objective information undistorted by interpretation.” You can access the alternatives space via the heart and can attune to any sector of the alternative space if it is ours to have. Why not the mind? The mind observes and interprets reality. The mind does not know, the heart does. It takes changing the focus of intention from being given to creating that allows us to enter the alternatives space.
Can I know my future like this? No one can know the future because no one can predict what alternative will end up manifesting. The choice is yours.
[05] How do I enter into the alternatives flow?
“The alternatives flow always takes the path of least resistance. You could say that it follows the path of fortuitous circumstances.” Foreign goals and doors take you on the path of greatest resistance. Once you let go of the goal and feel relieved, it was a foreign goal for sure. “If you have to persuade yourself to have something, it is not yours.” Foreign goals feel unachievable by default. You enter the alternatives flow by creating the circumstances of your reality through outer intention. You cannot determine the path of the alternatives flow, but you can guide its direction with intention. “You can control part of a river as a way of generating energy but as a whole the river will remain an independent component of uncontrolled reality.” How can you move through the alternatives space? Via coordination: perceiving every event as positive and favourable to your future. Coordination is essentially balance within unity of heart and mind: “when there is unity of heart and mind;
when there is no feeling of guilt, dependency, superiority, obligation, fear or stress; in other words, when you do not disturb the balance inside yourself or in the world around you.”
[06] What is inner & outer intention?
- Intention is the will to have and act to change your life.
- Intention becomes realised in the process, not the goal/result.
- Intention transforms desire into a goal and makes dreams come true.
- Desire ≠ intention because it includes the possibility of nonfulfillment. Hence being excess potential in itself.
- There are 4 types of inner intention: fight, flight, awakening and realisation.
- “Using inner intention a person tries to reposition their own fact of material realisation relative to the alternatives space, whereas outer intention shifts the alternatives space so that your material realisation is where it needs to be.”
- To attune to your dream lifeline, you must feel like you already have it. “If you do not actually believe that your dream can come true you will not feel worthy of it either, or you will doubt that the goal is realistic.”
- Begin with hope to take action. Then choosing freely will help you want and ultimately intend.
- Outer intention works by accepting the possibility of a different script: “outer intention is the force that makes Transurfing possible, i.e. switching life lines, or in other words, moving the point of material realisation through sectors of the alternatives space.” It is the paradox in the decision to have and the abandonment to achieve… By letting go, you receive the very thing you give up.
- Two things that block your will to have: 1. Conflict between heart & mind + 2. Excess potential of inner &/or outer importance.
- Even if you master outer intention, do not forget you are still a guest in this world.
- “Showing interests in others is a reflection of outer intention.” This is how Sales is mastered: finding out what the other person wants by asking: what is their inner intention? That is where their will to act lies.
- Outer intention is the result of the unity of heart & mind. It is the will to have and feel worth of your personal choice to do so. It is knowing, not believing. How do you achieve outer intention? You need to give yourself permission to have.
[07] What is frailing?
A soul frail is its characteristic frequency. You can attune to anyones, simply by knowing what interests/goals/aspirations they have. By attuning to the others persons inner intention you not only give them what they need, you also understand them like no other. A beautiful frail lies at the harmonious connection between heart and mind.
[08] Why is heart<>mind so important?
- Outer intention is achieved through the unity of heart and mind. The unity comes from the will to have (heart - subconscious) and the will to act (mind - conscious). Refuse anything where the mind says yes despite the heart saying no. There will be a noticeable inner tension.
- Dualism is key to understanding this: the heart relates/sees to the alternatives space (outer intention), whereas the mind relates/sees the material world (inner intention). The mind knows only to interpret. The heart knows the goal and knows how to realise it, but does not understand language more than yes/no. The heart can only understand thoughts, not words or symbols. The heart only feels & knows. It sadly takes what the mind tells it literally. A fault you need to be aware of.
- How can you tune into the heart? By listening to our intuition AKA “the rustle of the morning stars” which is your hearts inner voice speaking to you. Listen to it. The heart has everything you need to create a masterpiece of your life. Tune into your heart, not the mind. It s the only true compass you have.
- What you were meant for knows no inner discomfort. “If the feeling of tension does not dissipate over time it is a case of inner discomfort. In this case it would be worth looking for something else instead.” So when you are stressed: reduce importance and ask yourself: where has meaning been inflated?
[09] How can I reach heart<>mind unity?
“Allow yourself the luxury of having shortcomings and lacking the necessary qualities.” You have nothing to prove to anyone, so focus on coordinating the unity of heart and mind:
- Live in the absence of desire, inner and outer importance potentials by accepting defeat/failure.
- Live according to your own credo by accepting yourself for who you are.
- Move towards your goal without thinking of failure or success.
- Do not justify your mistakes, consciously admit them.
- Transform anxiety into action without pressure.
- Focus on your strengths, not weaknesses.
- Give energy without expecting in return.
- Be a drop of energy, not a bundle.
- Rid yourself of feelings of guilt.
[10] What are pendulums?
- Pendulums are a form of mass psychosis that enslave our will (intention) to have freedom of choice. They do this by by consistently saying “do as I do” (i.e. negative reporting, typical career paths, studying despite debt…). So if you desire status, but do not fit into the system it has created, you will always be an outcast since a pendulum feeds off of the energy of its incumbents and seeks stability above all. If you want to play a pendulums games, you must subject yourself to its rules to win.
- How are pendulums created? There are two laws: 1. They are created by living representatives of the natural world + 2. They will do anything to stabilise their created structure.
- Who created pendulums? We did. By the rules we impose onto this world as a collective mind of conscious intention. The resulting benchmark of success is what shouts: DO AS I DO. Nudging us to swing with the pendulum.
- Who is most prone to the swinging of pendulums? Lazy people, since they are incapable of taking initiative, having decided their fate is decided for them, rather than their fate being in their own control.
- There are essentially 4x complexes/weaknesses that strike with pendulums and push us into submission: inferiority complex, guilt complex, warrior complex and truth-lover complex.
- The pendulum will trick you into thinking problems are more complex than they are. Focus more on the simplicity of solutions, not the problem.
- You defeat a pendulum by abandoning the game, dropping all importance and walking away without a fight to live life ignoring its existence. Or you can create your own.
[11] Why is thought energy so significant?
- There are two types of energy: physiological energy of our metabolism (live) and free energy of intention in the cosmos (feel) are created via dynamic action, which generates intention, which ignites life force. Two things burden the flow of energy creation: 1. Self-imposed limitations / obligations & 2. Excess potential overload. The world will return the energy you engage it with. If you are a pessimist, your negative attitude will be confirmed. The same counts for optimists. So if you react negatively, your reality will turn against you.
- Thought energy has as much to do with the content of our thoughts as with the attitude you approach life at large. Meaning: you need to think about what you want to achieve, rather than what you want to avoid.
- Low energy to avoid: dissatisfaction, reluctance, disapproval, hate, skepticism, blame, criticism, apathy, envy, jealousy, lack of belief in success. Anything that oppresses you, in effect putting weight on your shoulders. Putting things off and not realising them is also burdensome energy distribution. They never lead to anything positive and leave you battling with the balanced forces of the natural world.
- High energy brings us to be inspired, capable of generating ideas, coming up with innovative solutions and creating master pieces. It comes into place when your meridians are wide enough to allow free energy to run through them. The higher your energy levels, the faster your intentions will manifest.
- Transurf from low to high energy with three methods: free up resources, exercise your energy channels and widen your meridians.
[12] What is excess potential?
- Balanced forces are natures justice system constantly battling to remain in an equilibrium. Humans are in constant contact with them, since we often create excess potential (i.e. adding too much importance to our person or an object), moving balanced forces to fix the distortion to their energy field by working against you to restore order. This is a fight you cannot win.
- How does excess potential really work? The world will not only return the energy you engage it with, but it will also balance out the excess energy from things you find too important (inner = ego & outer = world). Balanced forces will move the excess potential/energy back to their center, in effect punishing you for thinking you can control things that are not in your control.
- The goal is therefore to free yourself from creating excess potential. How do you do it? “Switch your intention from increasing your own sense of self-importance to developing the qualities you admire. You have to let go of any lurking idea that you are capable of controlling the external world.”
- Freeing yourself of importance by taking action will create the necessary energy that will reduce excess importance and make way for your target lifeline to shift right in front of you. Simply trust the process. Even if the beginning is not great or easy.
- Are you getting insecure in the process? There are two reasons for insecurity to unfold: 1. Obsessive concern with internal qualities and 2. Unrealistic overestimation of external causes. Both create too much importance and therefore excess potential, mostly in the form of “two oppressive kinds of outer importance: fear of the unknown and feeling overwhelmed by challenges.”
- Importance and balanced forces are also why manifestation does not work. Because manifestation is desire, which has attributed importance to it.
- If you are unable to control your reality, you are creating too much excess potential, hence polarising the mirror because the reflection of reality is warped like a curved mirror. Reduce importance.
[13] How to achieve goals/success in life?
- What the heart desires is what the world values most. Do what makes life feel like a continual celebration and holiday. That is the goal at the center of your hearts purpose. Only consider how comfortable a goal makes you feel. Your heart should sing when thinking about your innermost goal. The world has no right to judge that. And never pretend in that. Self-deception will not work as you are not attuned to the will of your heart. Don’t try to be significant. Be intentional. Excess potential will be the result otherwise.
- Your own goal comes after freedom from obligations towards self and others. Basically, you need to live in the absence of importance. Then, “the goal will be reached if there is will to have and if there is the will to act by moving through the right door. It is your choice. You are in charge. If the decision is truly yours any thoughts along the lines of: “what if it does not happen”, will become irrelevant.”
- Remember to choose one goal, not many things at once. Otherwise your intention will become formless.
- Where does failure come from and how do I avoid it? Failure comes from the misalignment between heart and mind. Or the heart striving for something, whilst the mind is filled with doubt and vice versa. So instead, you need confidence above all. Which is released through the energy of intention. It is therefore either present or not.
- “Do not strive for your goal, concentrate on the process.” The intention lies in the process, which is taking action, not the outcome or the result. Place one foot in front of the other and keep on moving…
- How to identify a false goal? You can only believe what you know to be true. A false belief or false goal is something you need to convince/persuade yourself of.
- To be successful, you need to define a goal that lies at the very center of our hearts intent. Money or any other accompanying attributes are not a goal. They should remain: attributes to success. Focus therefore on the goal, not the riches. And money will come to you as a byproduct.
- “True success is only achieved by those who have the courage to break the rules and go their own way.” If you want to become a leader, live according to your own beliefs/credo. Don’t mimic or envy the life of others but find and live your own. “The secret to success lies in freeing yourself from pendulums and going your own way.”
- The competitive advantage of your life is that you are outer intention directed, whereas the rest of the world is inner intention directed.
- Success is overall is created by consistency.
[14] What are slides?
- Slides are negative thoughts you carry with yourself — a distorted version of reality self-imposed. A slide is an illusion that shifts into a mental projector. It is a choice just like anything else. Slides do two things… bias your perception of your place in the world and bias how the world views you in actual fact.
- Positive slides are how you control outer intention: via a positive slide that contains the image of your dream/ideal lifeline, which you input into your minds eye to direct the content of your thought energy into reality. This requires time since the effect is gradual. “Gradually not only means continually but also progressively.”
- To eliminate a slide, simply get rid of the importance of it. Meaning: ignore it and replace it with a positive one. One far on the flip side of your shortcomings. Do not mimic by copying the positive slide of another. You can only switch a negative slide with a positive one if it is truly yours. So you must design your own slide.
- Beware of negative slides can also be projections, which are dissatisfactions with yourself hung onto others… It is only created based on the illusion that others think like yourself. Which is not the case.
- Live inside of the slide you want to realise.
[15] What is the dual mirror?
- “The whole world can be seen as a gigantic dual mirror. On one side of the mirror lies the physical Universe and on the other side of the mirror lies the metaphysical alternatives space. In the dual mirror, unlike in an ordinary mirror, the material world serves as a reflection of the intention and thoughts of God, as well as all the living beings that are an embodiment of Him.”
- In the reality of the dual mirror, there is you and there is the mirror. As long as you are focused on the reflection of the mirror, you are inside of it and playing by the rules of others — a game you cannot leave.
- To quit the mirror you need to move from inner to outer intention and realise you are standing in front of a mirror and fully in control to shape the reality of the mental image you see. What is the image? The focus and nature of your thoughts, not the reflection of the mirror itself. The focus on the reflection is like viewing life passively, whereas the focus on your actual image is active. Reflections pass by, images remain.
- The focus on reflection means you are inside the mirror (captured by pendulums). The focus on image means you are outside. It means you have let go of the reflection the world wants you to be and focus on.
- Create the reflection you want to see in the mirror by picturing the image you would like to see in your minds. A slide. Then be patient for it to take shape. Outer intention will make the world come to you.
[16] What are the mirror principles?
The only way to shape the reflection you want is to align heart<>mind into unity first, then going through the first three principles with one requirement: running a positive slide in your mind systematically for a lengthy period of time. Remember: “by abandoning the position of control you acquire real control over a situation”:
- “The world is like a mirror reflecting your relationship to it.”
- “Reflection is formed in the unity of heart & mind.” (inner intention)
- “There is a delay in the reaction of the dual mirror.”
- “The mirror cites the content of the relationship, but not its orientation.”
- “Switch your intention from the reflection to the image.” (outer intention)
- “Release your grip and allow the world to move with the alternatives flow.”
- “Embrace any reflection as positive.”
[17] What does being a maker mean?
Assert your right as a maker in this world. It is the belief that you are capable and worthy simply because you have the right to choose and decided to live life this way. Once you relinquish control over uncontrollable circumstances, you will arrive at this mindset: “however it work out is how it should be.” Frame everything optimistically to frame any reflection positively. In essence you must consciously invert negativity into positive thought energy. You will have only achieved this if negativity passes you by indifferently. Otherwise it will follow you around. A maker therefore is someone who accepts their right to choose and exercises it without a doubt.
[18] Why is zero-doubt thought energy key to Transurfing?
- “Doubt is what you experience when you believe in something to a certain extent, but not totally.” Meaning: your heart and mind will fall out of unity, if you decide to give into your doubts and fears.
- Doubt and fear are the biggest things that slow you down. How do you combat doubt and fear? You must begin by adopting the dogma: “my world will take care of me” and focus particularly on the last three mirror principles. Otherwise you will create a distorted three-way mirror due to excessive demands and high expectations of life. The idea that there is a guardian angel inside of protecting you from what you could have doubted or feared should be enough comfort to trust in your abilities.
- How do you kill doubt? By making your mind know that what your heart intends will happen as a fact. Only then will it cease to doubt. “You have to take the radical step of removing the word ‘believe’ from your worldview template and replace it with ‘know’.”
- To leave doubt behind practice encouragement rather than criticisms for “criticism makes the heart an enemy of the mind — encouragement makes it an ally. Encouragement is a creative force; criticism a destructive force.”
- “Dragging doubts around with you is a sure way of reducing your chances of success. There are two life lines in the alternatives space: on one the goal is achieved and on the other you meet with failure. When you wallow in doubt you radiate energy at the frequency of the line of failure and then you can hardly hope for success. If encountered, failure will be caused by circumstances that have appeared as a direct result of your own thoughts.”
- When you doubt, you do the wrong thing regardless. “Lack of self confidence comes from the fear of the unknown.” So kill doubt at all costs.
[19] Does visualisation work?
Only if you visualise the current stage of your transfer chain. So it’s only helpful to visualise the process (without attention on the goal) with outer intention. Otherwise it will not work because it is desire at work. There are three types of visualisations (most people get stuck in the first or second level):
- The dream: observe without control.
- The film: observe with control.
- The actor: play a role in the film.
[20] Where do narcissism / superiority / inferiority complexes fit in?
They by default create excess potential due to their dependent relationships. Mostly because “a manipulator tries to impose a feeling of guilt onto their “charges”, to gain power over them, or for their own self-assertion. On the surface these people can seem very “proper.” In their view, what is good and what is bad was established long ago. They always say the right thing and their actions are impeccably correct.” Make no mistake, someone with complexes like that is battling balanced forces with sheer will — but for how long will that last?
[21] Is Transurfing the antidote to perfectionism?
Yes. The heart is the solution to being a perfectionist. The heart is perfect. The mind is not since it is impact by the world and produces shortcomings. To tune into your heart and attain inner freedom, accept yourself for who you are by refusing to follow the pendulum rule and walking your own path. A perfectionist can only survive when protected by a pendulum. This is a game you do not want to play… So loosen your grip and let go of your control for the absolute minimum of excess potential. You will find: “the greater your indifference to your order the sooner it will be completed. The absence of desire grants a freedom that allows you to concentrate on the intention to act rather than on worrying about the possibility of failing.”
Favorite quotes
“The mind has to consider the means because it is used to acting within the limits of inner intention. Within these limits, there will undoubtedly be potential scenarios with an unfavourable ending and so in this case outer intention not only will not help you, it will act to your detriment. This is why I so insistently recommend that you stop thinking about possible scenarios of how events might develop. On the path to your goal, the will to have must prevail. This is what you should focus on above all else, and the remaining aspect of intention, i.e. the will to act, must be purified to the maximum from the undesirable elements of desire and importance. The will to place one foot in front of the other represents the inscrutable intent to do the minimum of what is required of you. To act dispassionately does not mean to act indecisively or sluggishly. I am sure you know what I am trying to say. Excessive will is also a consequence of importance. Your actions will be effectively to
the degree that you manage to purify inner intention from desire and importance.” — Vadim Zeland
“We cannot change the world. We have to accept that how the world is does not depend on us. Myriad limitations and conditioning literally stuff the soul into a box. The mind captured by convention becomes the soul’s jailer prohibiting it from realising its potential.” — Vadim Zeland
“You are always on a life line that represents the quality of your energetic vibration. If you take in negative energy you will experience disappointments in your life and if you give out negative energy it will return to you like a boomerang in the form of disappointment.” — Vadim Zeland
“All problems arise due to a conflict of interests surrounding inner intention.” — Vadim Zeland
Final thoughts
As you can tell this read was a lot. So much gold lies here for me. What will I do next? Energy exercises… these I still need to try/put into practice. And of course eliminating doubt from my life once and for all, so I can find the unity of my heart and mind.
If you are into reading or have a goal for 2024 as I do, let’s connect on Literal. You can follow me via @julianpaul — I track my current read and progress daily.
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Until next time.

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