Julian Paul profile picture


I’m Julian, a Bermudian-born Austrian. I love seeing digital experiences come to life and feel most at home working across 3 verticals: Product & Brand & Distribution. I’m an all-rounder with skills that translate across early product lifecycles ↓

Julian Paul Dos & Donts

Currently, I am founding @neuklick.at, curating @early.tools and helping founders name their dream business via @nominal.name. If not heads down on these projects, you’ll find me vibi.ng to House music, which I love to curate & DJ.

If you specialise in the greyed out areas or need only one skill, we would compliment each other. Here is a curated selection of output I call a portfolio of bets.

» Let’s build together «

Top 5 reads

Writing is thinking at work.

  1. Wants vs. Needs ‣ 4min read.
  2. Launching founders.menu ‣ 5min read.
  3. Building Lifelong Bonds ‣ 8min read.
  4. Basics of CAC & LTV ‣ 6min read.
  5. The Infinity Flow State ‣ 9min read.

Shipped products

A focused portfolio view.

Vibi.ng to

Music is emotion tied up with memories


More search, less feed to nudge inspiration.

☞ These influences are always up-to-date.

squiggly horizontal divider


Let’s meet on whatever platform serves your desired outcome best. My digital identity holds all platform intentions. Prefer email? Try contact@julianpaul.me.

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Socialise with me: LinkedIn | Instagram | 𝕏.com | Read.cv

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